

August 5, 2014

Layering Orange Blush

left - Nyx Blush Cinnamon 
middle - Canmake Cheek & Cheek 08
right - both blushes layered

A few days ago my beautiful friend Rona was telling me that she had a few products that she didn't use as often as she liked and wanted to pass on. Of course this was my reaction..

She ended up giving me a vibrant orange Nyx blush that I'm not going to lie, looked a little bit intimidating. I think this blush is from the tangerine/orange phase that the beauty world went through a little while back and I was immediately excited to see if I could work with this  CRAZY popular trend.

The best description that I have for the affect of this blush is the bright orange smear on your napkin from when you eat spaghetti and wipe the corners of your mouth. It was Not a very wearable color on my skin so I decided to layer it with a equally vibrant hot pink blush. The result was a really fun and wearable coral! I probably should've seen it coming-- pink + orange = coral but WHATEVER. I'm really happy with the result and I'm glad I found a fun way to wear this blush.


  1. I'm not a blush person, but orange blush may change my mind as it's so brightening and pretty! xx

    Beauty Soup || UK Beauty Blog

  2. Great look ! It looks gorgeous on you!

    Madeline | Its a Mads Mads World

  3. Lovely post, these two blushers look really nice on you! :)

  4. Oh the result looks very lovely! It compliments your skin tone well!

    1. Thanks!! It was kind of scary before i added the pink though.. not going to lie ;)

  5. !!! the layered final result is so pretty! i haven't thought to layer any of mine recently. too lazy. but its always nice to get some 'new colors"
    A Beautiful Zen

  6. A+ gif usage there! Also, they make a perfect pair those blushers! I love the combination so much, I'm tempted to go out and get them and try it myself!

  7. The result came out so pretty, I never really thought of layering blushes before, love the gif too ^.^ xx



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