

September 13, 2014

New Glasses (HI IRIS!)

I used to absolutely hate wearing glasses and strictly stuck to contacts. But since I've got these I've worn contacts only once and it's been over 5 weeks! They have "thick" frames that are still thin enough that my eyes don't get lost behind them and I find the black to gray ombre less harsh against the face than all black rims. Lastly the sides are just wires which give everything a delicate touch and ensure that the frames aren't heavy and therefore uncomfortable.

I got these in asia so I can't link you guys, but if you have the chance to check out a pair of ombre glasses for yourself, I HIGHLY recommend!


  1. These glasses are SUPER cute!!! Did you go to asia to get them or did you order them online?

  2. Wow! Your new glasses are uber gorgeous! I can totally relate with your predicament with glasses way back when I had my first prescription. I came to the conclusion that rimless glasses are just the thing for me. Well anyway, I'm sure the new glasses would make you look even more beautiful! Thanks for sharing. I hope you're having a happy fall!

    Doris Gibbs @ Moody Eyes


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